1. Morning Charm (5 packs):
Aroma Vitality Tea
* Ingredients: Lemongrass, Pandan Leaf, Red Date, Natural Cane Sugar
* Benefits: relief rheumatism, reduce body heat, encourage blood-making, boost the immune system.
Warmth Aroma Tea
* Ingredients: Lemongrass, Pandan Leaf, Bentong Ginger, Natural Cane Sugar
* Benefits: warm the body, relief rheumatism, reduce uric acid, boost the immune system
Warmth Vitality Tea
* Ingredients: Bentong Ginger, Red Date, Goji Berry, Natural Cane Sugar
* Benefits: warm the body, encourage blood-making, Increased testosterone, eyes protection.
2. Rice Tea x2 packs
3. Tea Cup with Infuser 350ml x1
1. 晨曦魅力 【元气早安暖胃花草茶系列】(共5包)
* 成分:香茅 香蘭葉 紅棗 蔗糖
* 益处:治風濕 降肝火 補血 增強免疫系統
* 成分:香茅 香蘭葉 文冬姜 蔗糖
* 益处:驅寒 治風濕 降尿酸 增強免疫系統
*成分:文冬姜 紅棗 枸杞 蔗糖
* 益处:
驅寒 養血 益精 明目
2. 【有米气】养生米茶 x2包
3. 茶水分离茶杯 350ml x1